
  Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen
  Postfach 10 41 54
  44 041 DORTMUND
  Tel. 00-49-231 / 56 50 00
  Fax. 00-49-231 / 59 24 40

Youth champion  : 3 CACJ from minimum 2 judges

Champion : 5 CAC (at least 3 at international or national dog shows, no more than 2 on club shows, CAC at shows: VDH - Europasier - Zuchtschau and Bundessieger - Zuchtschau counts twice, R. CAC at shows VDH - Europasier - Zuchtschau and Bundessieger - Zuchtschau counts as 1 CAC ) from 3 judges. One year must be elapsed between the first and the last CAC title
For dogs which 1 CAC received before 01.09.2004 there are different conditions: 4 CAC  at least 2 on international show or national, CAC at shows VDH - Europasier - Zuchtschau and Bundessieger - Zuchtschau counts as 1 CAC, R. CAC no counts  

Veteran: 3 CAC in veteran class from minimum 2 judges

Wystawy w 2005